
How B2B marketplace Bay Supply splits net terms at checkout
Online fastening systems marketplace Bay Supply leveraged Balance to offer net terms, stay compliant and provide a consumer-grade payments experience.
Bay Supply is the first online marketplace for the fastening industry, where sourcing professionals, manufacturers and distributors can effortlessly collaborate, quote, and transact business.
Bay Fastening Systems has been serving customers via a traditional wholesale distribution model for several years, providing 30 and sometimes 60 day terms. The company felt that it was time to establish a marketplace, Bay Supply, and serve customers better by making more products accessible to them.
“That’s when our needs drastically changed - we wanted to extend credit terms for our customers for other third party products, but we were only receiving a commission on the transaction, it was us playing a bankroll to an extreme that didn’t make sense,” Michael Eichinger, Bay Supply founder and CEO, explains. “Our goal was to find a service provider that will provide credit terms but also allow us to transition our customers to that service for terms so that we weren’t required to keep providing that ourselves.
Technologically, this was a fairly complex mission - our customers are putting our products in their cart together with other third party sellers. Our challenge was to be able to provide different terms for our products vs third parties’ products - within the same cart, the same customer, the same checkout.”
Bay Supply instantly found a great solution and partner in the Balance platform.
Michael explains: “There are a number of great solutions for providing terms, but, with other solutions, every transaction has to have a separate contract. The tricky part was the fact that as a marketplace and with customers who are used to getting terms, all we wanted was to somehow emulate the offline experience they’re used to, only having it online. Balance was a perfect way to solve this."
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Learn more how companies like Bay Supply are able to power their marketplaces and stay fully compliant with ease thanks to Balance.
The Balance team was very dedicated to creating a checkout experience that people actually want, and expect, and not compromise on that. To the buyer, it all appears so simple. Because it’s intuitive. Yet, obviously in the back there’s a very complex process. And that’s the beauty of it.